The Origin of Cosmetics:
       Hi Everyone! Today I'm going to talk about the origin of cosmetics, what resources were used in the making of the first cosmetics and where they got the resources.

       The first definite sign of cosmetics being used is in Egypt. Egyptian people used cosmetics to please the gods and felt they would be spiritually better if they wore cosmetics. They wore copper and lead around their eyes and green underneath their eyes. The green was made from a type of copper ore called malachite they crushed the stone and then mixed with it water to create the green paste. They used a dark coloured powder called kohl and they applied it in an almond shade around their eyes to make their eyes look bigger and more elongated. The kohl would be made from soot and a type of lead called galena they would get this resource from mining in desserts. The lead apparently fought off infections at that time because it was quite toxic and killed off bacteria before it could spread. However the toxic chemicals in the lead definitely were worse than the benefits you got from it. As blush they would use red ochre which they would get from red clay. They would mine the clay from the ground, separate the sand from the ochre and then leave it out to dry. If they wanted the red pigment to be more intense they would burn the red ochre. That's all for today thank you for reading!


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